Sunday, July 17, 2011

Watch Captain America Megavideo Online Free

Watch Captain America Megavideo Online Free - "This is the future in 1940, if you went to 1942 and the idea of ​​what the future would be that the approach," says Johnston. "Sometimes, when we had questions, and we were stuck, we would say," What do Indiana Jones? What could be the answer to this is "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? "I've always loved the raiders", and a major milestone was the tone of the film, and the feeling of freshness. It 'been a while, but seemed not to hear was a modern movie of this time in the past, and is a goal that we have with "Captain America".

Joe Johnston, who directed "Captain America: The First Avenger:" Come in addition to the Marvel Studios' slate, and superhero movies, is no stranger to big budget action film, his previous credits include "Jurassic Park III" "Kids Honey, I Shrunk" and "Rocketeer".

But "Captain America" ​​presents a unique challenge to bring the comic adventures of Steve Rogers World War II to life on the big screen. The result is a film that is a period piece with an inclination futuristic, Johnston told Hero Complex in March.