Friday, August 19, 2011

Appreciation to The Legend Shammi Kapoor

Appreciation to The Legend Shammi Kapoor - All day long many fans and follower unfolds their honest condolences and appreciation to the legend. next several status that unfolded by several fans and followers the legend in Bollyspace

" sorry hear about shammi kapoor. remember to see him attend apple store workshop at nyc, formerly time. full of amaze childlike. " - @r_khanna (rahul khanna

" just hear about tragic died gr8 legend mr shammi kapoor, this across the sad, god may be his soul is rest in peace! " - @ayeshatakia (ayesha takia azmi

" rip shammi kapoor. . i am dad fav actor. . remember watchn aaja aaja as child. .  and roughneck. . " - @shraddhadas43 (shraddha care of

" rip shammi kapoor- most elegant actor ever- we shall love you n we miss you. " - @riteishd (riteish deshmukh

" i'm respect after that legend intelligent privilege shammiji! r. i. p. shammi uncle. we love u many. always has, always will" - @duttalara (tomment dutta bhupathi

" rip shammi ji. . end from legend" - @actormadhavan (ranganathan madhavan

" rip shammiji, , has d his meeting good luck during jaane tu audio takes, very glad i meet him, actually legend n 2day he is gr8 lost 2us" - @geneliad (genelia d'souza

" the big man shammi kapoor leave us… thin layer, amaze alive! rest in peace sir…" - @actor_siddharth (siddharth

" rip shammi kapoor. . thankyou for souvenir. . " - @shrutihaasan (shruti haasan

" nothing ever empty contents u leave @shamsheraj. im sorry me mendnt try ressee. .  but wil do. . just for u. . r. i. p" - @priyankachopra (priyanka chopra

" he is inspiration not just for his style and his thin layer,  but also his attitude up at life…we miss you shammi uncle…#rip" - @deepikapadukone (deepika padukone

" 2 i am all times favourite shammi kapoor, my childhood is my smash is reason 2 person coarse. . may be ur rest soul in peace! u will live in r heart forever! " - @realpreityzinta (preity zinta

" the happiest, cared, good and careful man…you leave with us that souvenir precious…@shamsheraj tears shammi kapoor love u forever" - @deespeak (menga mirza

" rip mr shammi kapoor. most coolest actor at indian sail. will to remember forever and ever and ever. " - @5hekhar (shekhar ravjiani

" mr. shammi kapoor, tear. you dance to like not seorangpun watching" - @v1sh4l (vishal dadlani

" akele akele kahaan ja rahe ho …………………. shammi kapoor alvida" - @ehsaansel (ehsaan noorani

" denunciated green leafy actor. inspiration to million. dance move you can not match up to. shammi uncle tears. miss you are teacher tool. : (" - @neilnmukesh (neil nitin mukesh

" saddened with pass by from legend i've always admire. i never shall forget his mystery will creat. they are bless with pretty souvenir superstar. you will very loose, tear shammiji" - @vivek_oberoi (vivek oberoi

" another legend passes by far. . shammiji kapoor. . cheerful person like that and positive person. . has good luck interacts with him. . rest in peace. " - @aftab_p (aftab shivdasani

" shammi kapoor sir … we miss you. r. i. p. " - @aanandlrai (aanandlrai

" mischievou shine at his eye. . has actually lost charmer world, handsome soul, out and in! ! i love you mr shammi kapoor! " - @tandonraveena (raveena tandon)