Thursday, August 18, 2011

Brooke Hogan Scandal for Leaked Pictures

Brooke Hogan Scandal for Leaked PicturesBroke Hogan, The Daughter of wrestling legend Hulk Hogan, Has Stirred up a little controversy with her new photos. Broke Hogan is a well known model nd daughter of well-known professional warrior Terry Hogan well known with the name Hulk Hogan. Broke Hogan 23 Year ancient daughter, said she agreed to pose leaked in a part in Miami. Broke Hogan took a well-known warrior-actor leaked phot exhibit opens in Miami as part of its fifty-eight birthday, where she appeared leaked ia a part.

The latest one in line was Brooke Hogan, daughter of wrestling legend turned reality TV star Hulk Hogan,  who bared it all inside a cage for a photo shoot that seemed to be in support of PETA’s “I’d Rather Go Leaked Than Wear Fur” campaign.

The exhibit was put together by photographer Jordan Michael Zuniga under the title “Women in Cages,” with the intent of creating awareness against animal cruelty. Many celebrities have appeared nude in PETA's campaign, including Christina Applegate and George Clooney's ex-girlfriend, Elisabetta Canalis.
Despite the slight misunderstanding, Brooke Hogan hopes her photos create the kind of attention she was looking for.

“I hope it shocks them to see a human in the place of an ‘animal.’ We've almost gotten past the prejudices and racisms among humans alone, next is animals. We're all God's creatures. Just because we don't speak the same language doesn't mean they don't have feelings too,” she told 

“I’d rather go naked than wear fur” campaign of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). 23-years old Brooke Hogan said in Miami with her wrestler father, “I’ve always had a love for animals, and I’ve seen abuse firsthand. It ignited my passion for saving them even more. The worst part is that they are voiceless in our world.” 

Brooke Hogan tweeted for those who are criticizing her. It was quite the present for birthday boy Hulk, who was celebrating his 58th year at the event held at Cafeina Lounge in Miami, Florida. Brooke Hogan has spoke out to the defence of her wrestler father Hulk and says they are not in a ‘perverted relationship’.